We Love Rentals rental bond loans and insurance

A new Bond Option for Tenants!

Bond Dispute – No More!

A new product on the market in Australia will give tenants the option to pay rental bonds in instalments and protect their money from being mishandled.

BondSure will enable tenants to apply online to have rental bonds up to $5,000 paid on their behalf by the company, to be repaid over six to 12 months. The service will maximise the chances of renters’ bonds being returned, the company said, adding that it is also offering Australia’s first optional bond insurance.

The insurance will provide cover up to the bond amount for the most common areas of dispute – accidental damage and additional cleaning charges.

Paying a bond can be an untimely nuisance for tenants, tying up money at the start of the rental period when many people would prefer to spend money on other things like furniture and decor to make a rental property feel like home. Recouping bonds can also be a real nightmare for some tenants when accidents or disputes over cleaning put the bond in jeopardy.

The product is flexible and tenants can take out insurances without getting their bond through BondSure or they can have their bond paid without also securing insurance. On an average $1,000 loan over 12 months, BondSure will charge an annual percentage rate of 16 per cent, with additional fees and charges. Bond insurance costs $18 per month.

The insurance component of the product should lead to less bond disputes between tenants, property managers and landlords.  Property managers only need to register once, provide bank details for the bond transfer, and check the rental address on the BondSure website when the lease is signed.

Here at We Love Rentals, we are all for making the process smoother for both tenants and landlords alike.

If you are looking for property management in Perth, contact us today to see how we can help. Or if you are a tenant looking for a rental property, check out our available rentals here, and we look forward to hearing from you.

I am the licensee of We Love Rentals and provide support to the team whenever needed. I began my real estate career over two decades years ago. While I loved seeing people achieve their dream of a new home for their family, I kept thinking that there had to be a better way of doing real estate – one with respect for the long term benefit of the client and one that focuses on customer satisfaction.