Security and Safety Tips for Tenants in Perth Rental Properties

Everyone wants to feel safe in their own home, and tenants are no exception.

With a focus on crime reports in the media, and more people living alone, home security is a high priority for many of us.

Being safe can mean more than keeping intruders out; however, there can also be safety risks within the home!

Here are some safety and security tips on reducing exposure to common risks of both kinds.

A locksmith changing a glass door lock
There are minimum security standards that all rental properties must meet – door locks are one of them.

Safety and Security Tips for Perth Tenants

First, familiarise yourself with the minimum security standards that generally apply to all rentals under the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA).

Understand the rules and the exceptions to those rules.

For example, standards for heritage, strata and rural properties, and upstairs windows and doors are not as stringent.

If the property doesn’t comply, talk to your property manager or landlord.

Key Minimum Security Requirements

  • Front door: deadlock or AS 5039-2008 compliant key-lockable security screen and security lighting
  • Other external doors: deadlock or patio bolt lock whenever a deadlock cannot be installed or an AS 5039-2008 compliant security screen
  • Windows: functioning locks, latches, or closers preventing windows opened from outside or an AS 5039-2008 compliant security screen.

Extra Security Options

Home security is not a “one size fits all” issue. If your circumstances or location make extra security desirable, talk to your property manager/landlord.

Sometimes extras such as an alarm system, window grilles, or CCTV cameras are negotiable, especially if you pay for them.

NOTE: Domestic violence victims have additional rights regarding security measures.

Maintenance and Vigilance

Many crimes are committed by opportunists — don’t make it easy for them. Ensure you:

  • replace blown external light globes promptly
  • lock exterior doors even when at home
  • padlock rear gates
  • trim foliage that could conceal an attempted break-in
  • don’t leave valuables in your car
  • keep valuables concealed from street view in the home
  • look out for neighbours — ask them to do the same for you!

General Safety Tips for Perth Tenants

There are also safety risks within the home, so be proactive about safety in your home as well.

Here are some common safety risks and strategies:

Actions After a Safety Breach

Report any incident or near miss immediately, in writing, with photos where applicable.

NOTE: Sometimes tenants can initiate repairs themselves if the issue is categorised as “URGENT” under the RTA, and the agency / landlord cannot be contacted in the required timeframe. Qualified, insured trades must be used, and only do the work required to ensure safety can be done.

We have a helpful guide for what to do in an emergency.

What’s My Next Step?

Why not give a property manager a call?

The experienced property management team at We Love Rentals know how to make rental properties safe and secure. We contact our landlords immediately for urgent or risky matters.

We’re happy to help!

Email us or call (08) 6254 6300 for friendly, professional advice.

I am the licensee of We Love Rentals and provide support to the team whenever needed. I began my real estate career over two decades years ago. While I loved seeing people achieve their dream of a new home for their family, I kept thinking that there had to be a better way of doing real estate – one with respect for the long term benefit of the client and one that focuses on customer satisfaction.